Tagged as: St Ignatius

Raphael speaks of Railaco

Much of our time was spent with the children at NOSSEF – the school in Railaco. The separate boys’ and girls’ dormitories for boarders at NOSSEF are life-changing. Without them, many students would have to travel upward of three hours each day to get to and from school.

It was a delight to teach the students in Railaco as they were all eager to learn and to loved hearing our stories about Australia. (I am sure our teachers at Riverview wished we were always so attentive in class).

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The New Things Ignatius Gave Us

St. Ignatius is the man for our moment. He offers a new way of thinking about God. The old way held that God was mainly found in religious places and religious activities; Ignatius said that God was found in all things. The old thinking saw God as a stern lawgiver and judge; Ignatius saw him as an infinitely generous giver of gifts. The old idea saw God as elusive and remote; Ignatius said he was near at hand, energetically labouring in the world.

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