Tagged as: David’s Place

David’s Place Annual Christmas Mass – an enriching experience!

David’s Place Annual Mass. Parishioner and Parish Pastoral Council member, Daphne O’Brien says, “It was a privilege to witness such genuine warmth, loving friendship, respect and inclusion amongst the 80 + mass goers. One of the special highlights was Bishop Danny Meagher, (well known to many of the David’s Place people from his former role), took the time to greet everyone present personally, ably assisted by Sue Buckingham. His presence, participation and very natural manner clearly made the day for many.

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Christmas with David’s Place Community

Today we celebrated Christmas with the David’s Place community.

Due to COVID the celebration was a little different to previous years however we still managed to reflect on the past year and celebrate the friendships and companionship the David’s Place community provide to each other.

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David’s Place gift to Railaco

When a ‘widows mite’ adds up to an incredible $4,500 donation for the boys dormitory at Nossef in Railaco, it’s time to celebrate. We heap loads of thanks on the wonderful community of David’s Place for this effort. Personal contributions ranging from only a matter of cents, to asking friends to support a good cause, and even creating paintings that were sold to raise additional monies.

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20th Anniversary of David’s Place

A peaceful sanctuary within the constant activity of “the Cross” David’s Place at St Canice’s KingsCross Sydney Jesuit Parish, has for 20 years been a place of prayer, reflection and community for the homeless of inner Sydney.

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