Tagged as: Advent

Fr Dave . . . thankful to ‘ride the wave’ of so many good Jesuits before him

At his first Sunday Mass at St Canice’s today, Fr Dave Braithwaite SJ expresses his thanks and gratitude on being appointed as new parish priest at St Canice’s.

Fr Dave acknowledges that the parish has always had ‘outreach’ at its heart, not only within in St Canice’s Kitchen, but also reaching out to serve people like in our sister parish in Railaco Mission  East Timor, and the marginalised friends from David’s Place.

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Fr Brendan Byrne SJ – Advent

Advent is a season of waiting; the time when the Church longs for the coming of the Lord. In his homily, Fr Brendan explains that In this longing the Church looks in two directions, so to speak. Backward to the Lord’s first coming as a child born to Mary in Bethlehem. Forward to his second coming as Son of Man at the end of time.

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