A Salute to Canice Kitchen Volunteers – A Video

. . . this video is dedicated to the more than 300 volunteers . . . . . . who serve in Canice Kitchen seven days a week. . . WE SALUTE YOU! The final 45 seconds of the video contains a special message for parishioners of St Canice’s.

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Peter Dodds

I love the sense of community here, the outreach work (local and overseas) we support, the musical aspects and a true sense of belonging, of being an integral part of our small corner of the world and the wider church.

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George Szabo visits Railaco

I was very grateful to visit East Timor and have the chance to stay in our sister parish in Railaco. Highlights included: feeding the children; visiting the villages; and visiting the prison with Fr Bong when he said Mass for the prisoners.

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St Vincent’s College Potts Point

The Boarding Students of St Vincent’s College in Potts Point are very much part of the St Canice Community. The girls regularly attend the 6pm Mass on Saturday evening and participate in the ministry roster as Readers, Eucharist Ministers and Collectors. The photo was taken during a recent “In Weekend”

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Margaret Walsh RIP

On 4th March, a group of the finest ensemble singers from Sydney Antiphony performed Requiem by the 16th century composer, Jean Richafort, at Margaret’s beloved St Canice’s. In this very short video Tribute to Marg’s memory you will hear the leader of Sydney Antiphony pay tribute to her. Margaret’s ashes

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Dwayne Vaz

Originally from Goa, India, Dwayne was born and raised in a religious catholic family and was educated by the Jesuits in Mumbai. His wife Rebecca, a native of Borneo, Malaysia was also born into a catholic family. They met whilst they were studying overseas at the university chaplaincy St William’s

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Vale Graham Fear

Graham was our parish Sacristan and Acolyte; he attended funerals and was such a perfectionist in all things to do with liturgy.  Over the years he provided at his own expense many of the items that keep the church running smoothly.  Graham also served on the Board of Jesuit Refugee Service using his business acumen to the benefit of the organisation.

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Christmas / Weed Mats . . . grow/love/know

December the month of Advent, waiting on the coming of our God, can be overwhelmed by the ‘glitter of the Christmas tree’. Yet there is a pulsing of hope that is palpable.  Most of us desire to feel connected, be loved, share, to give and receive. But we can be

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Midnight Mass at Christmas

Our cantor, Greg McCreanor led the choir and a host of people in the Carol singing prior to the Christmas Midnight Mass at St Canice’s. This 2-minute video also contains two verses of the Psalm ‘Today is born our Saviour’, beautifully sung by baritone Greg. The choir also sang and

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