October 2 is International Day of Non-Violence

Blessed are the Peacemakers Tomorrow, October 2 is International Day of Non-Violence, celebrated, appropriately on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. On of the great witnesses to peace and non-violence in our Catholic tradition is St Francis of Assisi, whose feast we celebrate this Wednesday, October 4. While many associate Francis

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‘An Ignatian Charism – for the World Today’

‘An Ignatian Charism – for the World Today’ Caroline Coggins recently returned from her six-week International Immersion Course on Ignatian Spirituality at the Cave of St Ignatius in Manresa, Spain. Sharing of her experiences with Canice parishioners after Mass today, Caroline focused minds on inevitable changes in the practice of

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Fr Chris Jenkins SJ

It’s a privilege to be here in St Canice with its inner-city attractions and challenges so different from my last parish, Sevenhill, centred as it was in a vineyard in the beautiful Clare Valley of South Australia.

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St Ignatius Feast Day 2017

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Celebrating St Ignatius

“The Lord is my Shepherd” Author: Caroline Coggins, Member of the St Canice’s Parish Pastoral Council. I am in Wales, a place like New Zealand, where there are many sheep and many jokes about them. In this slowed down world I have the opportunity to observe what is happening around

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