Our new Parish Priest – Dave Braithwaite SJ

We are pleased to announce that, in consultation with our Jesuit Provincial, Fr Quyen Vu SJ, Most Rev. Anthony Fisher
OP, Archbishop of Sydney, has appointed Fr David Braithwaite SJ as the next Parish Priest of St Canice’s.

Fr Dave is no stranger to the Parish as he has been living here for over a year while writing his doctoral thesis on Systematic Theology. Previously, Father David was involved in the Jesuit Australian Province’s ministry with young adults for about ten years.

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Farewell to Fr Paul Fyfe SJ

Paul’s Jesuit brothers, Fr Sacha and Fr Dave joined Paul in celebrating the Mass, before our musicians Claudine, Graham, and Robyn provided a touching musical farewell. So many people came to the mass and stayed around afterwards to eat so many roast lamb and pickle sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, homemade cakes and goodness knows what else – in between bidding their personal good wishes.

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Michael Musgrave – Companions Medal

Michael was the recipient this week of a Companion’s Medal at the Jesuit Province Gathering. A Companion’s Medal is awarded to “lay companions in ministry who have been faithful, loyal, and dedicated supporters of our Jesuit Province Mission”, through their “distinguished service, great generosity and for the fulfilment of responsibilities to a high degree and over an extended period”.

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