Thank You Volunteers – 30th Anniversary Celebration St Canice’s Kitchen

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MISSION SUNDAY – This year’s Catholic Mission Appeal highlights the important work of Catholic Mission in Myanmar, the former Burma; through programmes aimed to improve education for children, specifically through teacher training and the implementation of alternative, child-centred education around the country, change is happening.

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St Canice Feast Day –
May all in our parish of St Canice know that they belong And experience the support of true Christian community; And all, whatever their situation, feel included
And appreciated for who they are.
May the Eucharist we celebrate together
Be the source and the summit of our Christian lives, Nourishing us on our spiritual path,
Healing us in our struggles,
Challenging us in our daily living
And a real celebration of Christ living among us.

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The Red Cross on our Logo

The appearance of a red ‘cross’ on the logo of our updated parish web page is an artistic touch to add to the conceptual image of Christians rowing across the water on a spiritual voyage that all Christians must take;
Or it can be interpreted as Christ on the sea of Galilee with the apostles.

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Secularization can help the Church proclaim the Gospel

“Secular society also frees us from establishing in religion a tribal identity, a national identity or any other identity foreign to the spiritual experience that invites us to recognize each other as humans, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the same Father,” Father Sosa said.

A secularized culture, he added, also can help the church recover the importance of proclaiming the Gospel, which is “a key dimension of the work of the church in these types of societies” and is a fundamental experience of those who give witness to “a personal encounter with Christ.”

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St Canice’s – Comfort in the Complexion of Community

The complexion of community with its many faces comes to the fore today in our liturgy and celebrations for the Feast of our patronal saint – St Canice.
In his homily, Fr Chris speaks of his recent experiences at the many sacred sites in the Holy Land. He says, “no doubt, God is worshipped there, but it lacks the presence and witness of people who ‘belong’ there, who form a community of faith”. He continues, “as we know, here at St Canice’s, community is integral to the practice of faith, for faith is not just about believing but about belonging and doing.

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Celebrating 30 years of St Canice’s Kitchen

Seven days a week the volunteers at St Canice’s Kitchen, including retired doctors, dentists, graziers and parishioners, serve lunch between 11:00am and 12:30pm to thousands who sleep rough or struggle to pay living costs. “We hope to provide for the daily needs of the people,” Sister Sheelah Mary, who’s been involved for almost 20 years, said. “The numbers are getting bigger and bigger.

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Meditation Base Camp – 6pm Sundays

Mediation Base Camp offers a starting point for people to connect with their own spirit. It is open to all, regardless of what faith or the beliefs you may have. It is a basic community gathering where there is respect for people’s individuality, personal space and silence. Held on a Sunday evening, it is offers a valuable punctuation point as we move from one week to the next.

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St Canice Feast Day 2018

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Our readings today remind us that ideally that marriage in our tradition is a permanent union of equals. But in reality we have to deal firstly and compassionately with human failure and societal change. Our increased understanding of human psychology and interpersonal relationships tells us that some marriages perhaps never were and some just came to their natural end. . . . .

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