Fran Jauncey

My mother was involved in just about everything in my hometown in country NSW, and I guess I’m following in her footsteps. We never have a dull day or moment in the Parish office, so just love coming back. St Canice’s is so much bigger than Cooma, but the community here is still very warm and welcoming.

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Bronwyn Clulow

I am involved in many Ministries here and love every moment. I have made wonderful friendships and my self-confidence has grown 100 percent. It is so important to belong to a community and I have found mine here.

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Bulletin – First Sunday of Advent

As a new liturgical cycle begins, this first Sunday of Advent again reminds us that our lives are caught up in a cosmic drama and that history will end with the return of Christ and the redemption of humanity.

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Conversation with Fr Jacob Zulu from Zambia

Some young Australians have already visited Zambia on an immersion for two weeks teaching children in the primary school. They recognise how poor but happy these children are. Smiles and joy are written all over their faces from simply “knowing they are loved”. All involved benefit from different aspects of cultural exchange, each learning through one another.

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November 25 2018 – Mass

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Bulletin – Feast of Christ the King

The Kingdom of God is a time. It happens whenever someone feeds a hungry person, extends hospitality or cares for the neglected. It happens when injustice is challenged or violence averted, or the truth spoken – when people struggle to overcome poverty, erase ignorance, pass on the faith.

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The Future of the Catholic Church in Australia

Being Catholic is more than going to Mass on Sundays. Please come along to one of two ‘conversation circles’ led by Rachel McLean. Connect, contribute, and nurture your sense of belonging. Sunday, 25 November 2018 4-5:30pm OR Monday, 26 November 2018 5:30-7:00pm

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Spiritual Conversation Series – Advent

The Spiritual Conversation Series will use 4 First Spiritual Exercises that were originally written by St Ignatius of Loyola and have been recently adapted by Michael Hansen SJ. The exercises provide an opportunity for participants to be still in their daily life and meditate on the great gift our place in this universe is.

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