Christmas Masses 2019

It’s encouraging to see that it’s possible to reach beyond our dedicated parish community and attract even more people from the surrounding area to come and celebrate Christmas at St Canice’s.  The attendance at all four Masses over Christmas exceeded previous years. 

We pray that we might refine our social media message to appeal to even more people to come to St Canice’s at times other than Christmas and Easter.

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Fr Brendan Byrne SJ – Advent

Advent is a season of waiting; the time when the Church longs for the coming of the Lord. In his homily, Fr Brendan explains that In this longing the Church looks in two directions, so to speak. Backward to the Lord’s first coming as a child born to Mary in Bethlehem. Forward to his second coming as Son of Man at the end of time.

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David’s Place gift to Railaco

When a ‘widows mite’ adds up to an incredible $4,500 donation for the boys dormitory at Nossef in Railaco, it’s time to celebrate. We heap loads of thanks on the wonderful community of David’s Place for this effort. Personal contributions ranging from only a matter of cents, to asking friends to support a good cause, and even creating paintings that were sold to raise additional monies.

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