Bulletin 1st November

The Communion of Saints –
At the beginning of November in the Catholic Calendar there is a flurry of heavenly feasts. All Saints Day, which celebrates those who are in paradise, is followed immediately by All Souls Day, with its focus on the dead who still need our prayers. The feasts themselves go back to early medieval Catholicism. They became a source of division at the time of the Reformation when the preoccupation with releasing souls from purgatory was seen by the Reformers as manipulative, mercenary and lacking in a proper trust in God’s mercy.

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Love: what’s the big deal?
Your friend has just fallen in love. The couple talk for hours, but when you try to get details of who this other person is, it’s frustrating because your friend hasn’t got much factual information at all!
Some people think that the opposite of love is hate. I don’t think so! You have to care about someone to hate them. Not having noticed they exist despite their being always around might be the opposite of love. Or is it when you know all their details, but have not taken the slightest interest in them?—they’re just a cipher, or a customer, or a client.

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Who is my brother?

The upcoming movie ‘Francesco’ comes at a time when Pope Francis exhorts us to read and embrace his latest encyclical, ‘Fratelli tutti’ that he signed standing at the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi last week..

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Fratelli tutti

At the core of ‘Fratelli tutti’ is Francis’s conviction that the world is fast losing its sense of the oneness of the human family.

With the disappearance of the common good, dialogue, and solidarity as animating social ideas, humanity is fast sliding into the darkness of civil strife, conflict, tribalism, and nationalism.

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