Letter from Sister Rita – No. 1, 2013

Sister Rita from our St Canice’s sister Parish in Railaco writes happily of the arrival of a 24-hour electricity connection to Railaco, and of other events that we take for granted here in Australia. CLICK HERE to read Rita’s Story. Please allow a minute for the illustrated newsletter to open.

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The Jesuits in Timor-Leste and the Mission in Railaco

While the wider Jesuit community is ‘nation-building’, we at St Canice’s have been making what is seen by the people in Railaco as a monumental commitment to their welfare, healthcare, nutrition, and educational needs of their children since 2004, and we are committed to continue.

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The 2009 Railaco Feeding Program, Mobile Medical Clinic & School

Three of us from St Canice’s, Fr Steve Sinn, Duncan Campbell and Michael Musgrave set out for the journey to visit our sister parish at the Railaco Jesuit Mission East Timor. The sight of so many happy and well behaved kids of all ages lining up with tin plates in hand is very moving. They obviously love the meal served to them from the back of the 4WD. It is so touching to see some, as young as five, already with the responsibility for looking after a younger sibling, carrying and feeding the younger. Brother Dino was the hero when he showed them the new soccer ball and frisbee we brought along with us. Steve and Duncan gave the demonstration of throwing this weird-looking plastic disc and running all over the grass trying to catch it. The kids soon showed ‘em how.

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Railaco Family gathering with Fr Steve Sinn SJ

Yesterday we were honoured to be invited to participate in an extended family gathering in a new Timorese traditional house.

All members of the extended family could come together, and any differences were able to be reconciled.

Young and old could share stories that linked them to one another and enabled them to understand that they belonged to a family.

This is our house, the house of God. God is our father and he gathers us together in this house.

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