Farewell to Fr Paul Fyfe SJ

What a beautiful day we had to farewell Fr Paul.

Spring has sprung in Sydney!
Brian Anderson, Chair of the Parish Parish Council addresses’ Fr Paul with Jess

Paul’s Jesuit brothers, Fr Sacha and Fr Dave joined Paul in celebrating the Mass, before our musicians Claudine, Graham, and Robyn provided a touching musical farewell. The Chair of our Parish Pastoral Council, Brian Anderson, delivered a very humorous farewell address to Fr Paul reminding him that his name was Brian, a farewell dig to Paul who was never good with names.

So many people came to the mass and stayed around afterwards to eat so many roast lamb and pickle sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, homemade cakes and goodness knows what else – in between bidding their personal good wishes.

Take a look at some photos from the Farewell