David’s Place Annual Christmas Mass – an enriching experience!


David’s Place Annual Mass – what an enriching experience!

By Daphne O’Brien

On Saturday December 12 I attended my first David’s Place Annual Mass. It was a privilege to witness such genuine warmth, loving friendship, respect and inclusion amongst the 80 + mass goers.

Special highlights for me included  –

. Bishop Danny Meagher, already well known to many from his former role, taking the time to greet everyone present personally, ably assisted by Sue Buckingham. His presence, participation and very natural manner clearly made the day for many.

. The time and meticulous care Fr Paul took to celebrate each part of the Mass simply and clearly for everyone and his especially composed homily, marking the special significance of the meaning and spirit of Christmas ,enhancing the joyous occasion with invigorated enthusiasm.

. Allowing time for the carefully considered offering of individual intentions from the congregation during the Prayer of the Faithful, a wonderful example of the inclusion of all.

. The wonderfully joyful singing from the Street Choir. This lively group was in full voice – the well-known hymns enabled the whole congregation to join in, including Bishop Danny and Fr. Paul who lent their voices to a robust rendition of Joy to the World as the Recessional hymn.

I found the experience totally uplifting and encourage other parishioners to join this happy group on future occasions to understand more about David’s Place and the genuine pastoral care shown and shared there. Daphne


. The wonderfully joyful singing from the Street Choir. This lively group was in full voice – the well-known hymns enabled the whole congregation to join in, including Bishop Danny and Fr. Paul who lent their voices to a robust rendition of Joy to the World as the Recessional hymn.