2-min Video – Joyfully building our Railaco relationship

Students of our secondary school NOSSEF

This 2-minute video provides a snapshot of the wonderful works of the Mission.

Joyfully building
our sister parish relationship
with Railaco Jesuit Mission

We promote a culture here at St Canice’s to support the marginalised not only in our own back yard but also in our sister parish in Railaco East Timor.

For the past seventeen years, our community has been contributing generously to the health, nutrition, and educational needs of our near neighbours at the Railaco Jesuit Mission in Railaco.

We thank those of you who have contributed to Railkaco in 2021. With the challenges of Covid impacting Timor perhaps mores than in Australia, we ask that you consider making a donation. This will support the ongoing humanitarian programs in our sister parish.