Gaudete Sunday ‘rejoicing’ at St Canice’s

So many St Canice parishioners roll-up to the special Gaudete Sunday Mass and morning tea wearing rose-coloured glasses, determined to put the challenges of living with the restrictions of Covid-19 behind them.

It’s truly a day of rejoicing, joy, music, flowers, and celebration of Mass, we are all together once more!

The organ plays again; strains of beautiful violin descant and melody lift the spirits, and the cantor raises our prayers to heaven with her song.

A soon-to-be inducted new parish council is introduced by Fr Paul Fyfe. If the good attendance at Mass is anything to go by, this new group has done a wonderful job of bringing our parishioners together once more and re-creating that joyful sense of community.

A morning tea with a big difference is arranged in the church hall. Registrations for attendance booked-out within three days. Guests are seated at tables of four, and their morning tea is provided in Covid-safe pre-packed containers. Members of the parish council and other volunteers take the orders and serve the food and drink.

We welcome Fr Frank Brennan, who is in Sydney visiting his father and is happy to deliver the homily. Fr Steve Sinn came along from Bathurst and sat chatting-away with so many of his older parishioner friends.

We share a Google Photos Album: