Mass in times of Covid-19

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Saturday     6pm

We are livestreaming the Saturday 6pm Mass every weekend.  

CLICK HERE to watch our livestream Masses.


In times of Covid-19 – A Message from the Parish Priest


Canice’s Kitchen already offers lunch (take-away only) from Tuesday to Friday, 11am – noon. Soon, we aim to provide a coffee service and also some evening meals. These, and other assistance we provide, are planned in consultation with local agencies.

Our present mode of operating has proved most successful in these difficult times. I am very grateful to our staff and volunteers, particularly to Carrie, for this excellent contribution to the marginalised of our city, where we are asked to walk with the risen Jesus.

We are now planning alternative actions to assist parishioners during these difficult months. 

In this time in which we are not able to encounter Christ in the assembly or the Eucharist, we always have the opportunity to encounter Christ in the vulnerable, even in ways that protect ourselves and those we wish to help from further risk.

A meal or groceries left on a doorstep, a contribution to a fund for unemployed restaurant workers, a check-in with an isolated older person or a friend who has suddenly become a homeschooling parent—we can all do something, for someone, in this time.

Paul Fyfe SJ, PP. 02 9358 5229


Our Parish and Financial Support

Your support is essential for the continued operation of your parish. Our parish does so much more than offer Sunday Mass, and despite your physical separation, we need you!  We understand many of you may not be able to contribute given the economic impact this pandemic is having on your personal finances; however, if you can donate, your generosity would be very much appreciated.  CLICK HERE to donate – simply select either Planned Giving or General Church Donation


Canice’s Kitchen Fundraiser

We are urgently seeking funds to support the roll out more of our COVID-19 response plan which includes: Seven day a week take-away food service with strict social distancing protocols • Phone call service for isolated community members needing support •Access to toilets & showers at our premises • Take-away toiletry and sanitary packs. Pleases consider contributing to our online fundraising page. 

Please click on photo to DONATE.







Online Mass and pastoral support

The coronavirus is having an impact on all Jesuit ministries In Australia. However, many are responding in creative ways to the shutdowns, looking for ways to support and connect with you at this challenging time.  

Here are some of the things that are available. Please share them with those who might like to participate in them.



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