Kids in remote village in East Timor stare in awe

Travelling into a remote sub-district, Khoda meets and shares a meal with children of the village. The Railaco Jesuit Mission in Railaco has been driving out to this village for fifteen years now. Khoda got busy chopping onions and garlic to help make the meal, before climbing aboard the stormtrooper to drive up the mountain to the village and help serve the Kids.

As we approach the remote village of Cocoa outside Railaco Mission with Christina and the lunch for the children of the village sloshing around in a big urn in the back of her 4WD, Khoda demands that the driver sits on the horn to announce our arrival.

If that noise wasn’t enough to frighten the daylights out of them, imagine how big and round their eyes were when Khoda alighted from the back of the stormtrooper he was travelling in with his mum, Odelia Potts, and started marching up to the gathered kids playing his bagpipes.