Communications Program ‘Enriching Community’


Canice Art and Connections

We launch our new ‘Communications’ program, CANICE CONNECTIONS. It aims to bring together not only the smiling faces of parishioners at the Sunday Masses but also to highlight the mutual connections of people working and contributing to other Ignatian-inspired activities of the parish.

To start with, we have more than 300 volunteers working seven days a week to provide lunches to the homeless in Canice’s Kitchen; with the Canice Rooftop garden initiative extending our outreach into so many other areas as well.

We are so linked to people in our sister parish in Railaco in East Timor, who depend greatly not only on the generosity of our parishioners but on the ongoing goodwill and connections.
JRS, St Vincent de Paul Society, the boarders from St Vincent’s College who swell our numbers at Mass on Saturday evenings, and our friends from David’s Place all play important roles as part of our Canice Community.

Through CANICE CONNECTIONS we pray that the awareness we build will create further engagement and we will grow – both in parishioner numbers and in Ignatian Spirituality.

Today, we share the very special story of the work by a group of homeless women that lies behind the design of the banner that will unify all of the CANICE CONNECTIONS communications.