Vale Graham Fear

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Graham Fear
Name:Graham Fear

Born:(and raised) in Brisbane Qld, home of the mighty Maroons!

Lives:In Rushcutters Bay. I moved to Sydney in 1984 when I was a Regional General Manager in the TNT Transport Group initially residing in Caringbah. I moved to the Eastern Suburbs in 1992.

Snapshot of Daily Life:I am the Group General Manager of Show Group Enterprises, ( a specialist Logistics business providing dedicated Freight and Travel services to the Entertainment industry, Film & TV Productions, National Sporting Organizations and associated corporate entities. It is a challenging and lively but I am grateful to head a team of like-minded passionate people who enjoy their job.

Through the Entertainment industry I am Chairman of Trustees of the industry’s charity Trust The Golden Stave Foundation ( that provides funds for children in need. I am also a Board Member of Nordoff Robbins, ( a Music Therapy organization that provides clinical services to children and young adults as a form of better communication skills to those who suffer from many forms of disability from hearing, sight, dyslexia, to name a few.

Part of Canice’s since:1992 – after moving initially to Darling Point.

Where we will we find you in the Parish?:Everywhere from the Altar, the Sacristy, to the Kitchen where I have my own Sunday roster team. In my early days I was on both the Parish Council and Finance Committee.
I am also proud to be a current Board Member of JRS who are based with us at St Canice’s.

What keeps you coming to St Canice’s:In a “nutshell”…”Community”….It is the most engaging Parish I have ever been in albeit it is a small Parish with a big heart for social justice and social welfare. My first PP was the late Father Donal Taylor SJ. It is important to note that FOUR former priests based with us in our Community have gone on to become Provincials of the Australian Jesuit Province whilst other are now country managers in South Africa and Myanmar for JRS. In summary St Canice’s is all about “character building”


13/14 Jan 2018


Graham had been treated successfully for an aggressive Melanoma a couple of years ago. After a return of the cancer in November, he commenced chemotherapy and was ready to fight it and win again. Unexpectedly, he was hospitalised in St Vincent’s with another medical condition, and during that treatment he suffered a stroke that lead to his untimely death a few days later.

Graham was one of the rocks of St Canice’s and an inspiration to many in the Parish.  He could be gruff but he had such a generous and warm heart.  In the eulogies, we heard that his close friends referred to him affectionately as ‘Grumpy’ – not far off the mark at times. The Mass of Celebration of Graham’s life was celebrated here at St Canice’s on 3rdJanuary by his old friend, Fr Steve Sinn SJ. The church was filled to over-flowing with mourners representing so many areas of Graham’s work and philanthropic life. Graham was fare welled with cheering and clapping as the funeral cortege slowly drew away.

Graham was our parish Sacristan and Acolyte; he attended funerals and was such a perfectionist in all things to do with liturgy.  Over the years he provided at his own expense many of the items that keep the church running smoothly.  Graham also served on the Board of Jesuit Refugee Service using his business acumen to the benefit of the organisation.