Letting the Difficult Person Heal Us

Six members of St Canice’s Parish Pastoral Council joined with members of Our Lady of the Way parishes meeting at St Francis Xavier Church in Lavender Bay to hear renowned visiting American Jesuit, Matthew Linn SJ on Saturday 27th July.

We joined discussion looking for ways of empowerment to heal our personal and social wounds, and discover our unique gifts to carrying out the special purpose of our lives. The approach is in Ignatius spirituality, which emphasises finding the presence of God in all things.

Elizabeth Strutt, Eimer Boyle and Barbara Campbell at Lavender Bay before joining Michael Musgrave, Sue Wittenoom and Caroline Coggins for Mass and the talk by Matt Linn SJ.
Elizabeth Strutt, Eimer Boyle and Barbara Campbell at Lavender Bay before joining Michael Musgrave, Sue Wittenoom and Caroline Coggins for Mass and the talk by Matt Linn SJ.

How To Deal With a Prickly Porcupine: Letting the Difficult Person Heal Us

Each of us often rubs shoulders with a porcupine, a difficult person we wish lived in Antarctica: the pessimist who believes every silver lining has a cloud, the passive aggressive (the dog who licks your hand before biting it), the depressive who depresses us, and the others that we thank God we are not married to. We will explore the 2 hands that heal us: the right hand that sets boundaries so we can care for ourselves and find inner peace and the left hand that reaches out to create peace without becoming another prickly porcupine that blames or tries to fix another.Screen Shot 2013-07-27 at 3.51.17 PM

If you would like to know more about Ignatian Spirituality, please contact our Parish Council Chair, Caroline Coggins.
0407 575 557