Successful Fundraiser for our Sister Parish in Railaco

More than 100 parishioners and friends of Railaco attended the annual Parish Fundraiser at the Ron Dyer Centre in North Sydney on Friday 21st June. More than $10,000 was raised. Thank you.

The evening had a distinct air of welcome not usually found in this kind of function. Much effort was put in by a dedicated organising committee, who not only did the hard yards, but rose early each morning in the days leading up to the event to make delicious Canapés and prepare food to be served fresh from the barbecue.

The guests were enthralled during a short Musical Interlude by Pascal and Jenny’s performance of popular Opera duets, and Christine entertained on the Steinway throughout the evening.

Father Steve Sinn was the guest speaker and reminded us all of the humble beginnings of a visionary few parishioners ten years ago, who established a sister parish relationship between St Canice’s and Railaco in Timor. These people, raised the funds to start from scratch, for what is now a secondary school of more than 200 children, a Feeding Program for pre-school children in the mountain villages, and a Mobile Medical Clinic.

In his address, Father Steve said:
“Any movement of love towards the needy is a movement that has at its source the Spirit of God.

Paul is not asking the Corinthians to give away all that they have. He writes: “I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need…” A fair balance: that is what we work for.”

Thank you for your continuing support as we approach our 10th Anniversary next year.

Steve Sinn Railaco talk 21 Jun 2013

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This video informs the generous donors from St Canice’s how their contributions are being used in the Missions. Perhaps, even more importantly, it explains to our newer parishioners about our ‘Sister Parish’ relationship with Railaco.


Click arrow to start Video.
After viewing the video, you may feel inclined to send a donation to Jesuit Mission online, (details below). It would be greatly appreciated .

Online Donations (tax deductible):
Go to secure online donations.
When the page opens, Scroll down to PAYMENT DETAILS and in CAMPAIGNS dropdown box choose St Canice Lorosae, which is the last one in the drop down menu.

We're 'rattling the tin cup' seeking your generous support. (even if this picture shows a tin plate, but you understand.
We’re ‘rattling the tin cup’ seeking your generous support. (even if this picture shows a tin plate, but you understand.