Organic Lamb on the spit for Christmas Dinner in ‘Canice’s Kitchen’

Regular guests at our ‘Care’ group’s Wednesday night dinner at St Canice’s Kitchen swell to seventy tonight to come and enjoy an end of year Christmas Dinner. Organic Lamb turning on a spit over burning coals is a feast for the eyes and the tender slices of the beautifully cooked meat is a rare treat for everybody.

Rob Caslick, Leader of the 'Care' Group in our Parish Renewal and the man who started the Wednesday Evening Meals for the needy is on the right. Father Chris Jenkins SJ is on the left.
Rob Caslick, Leader of the ‘Care’ Group in our Parish Renewal, the man who started the Wednesday Evening Meals for the needy is on the right. Father Chris Jenkins SJ is on the left.

The Wednesday evening group of young men and women volunteer to cook a meal and sit and chat to the less fortunate guests once a week. They are supported by a couple of families including teenagers who rotate week about.  Other parishioners and friends are coming forward to offer assistance to this ‘Care’ group, spurred on by our Parish Renewal process.

In addition to the prime cuts of lamb on the skewer provided by Feather & Bone Meat Purveyors, the ladies baked the organic vegetables supplied by Food Connect. Others made home-made plum pudding and delicious custard.

The Sydney Street Choir entertained and the guests joined in the singing.Guests also received a gift of a T-shirt (and most wore it for the evening) with “inside out organic soup kitchen” emblazoned on the front.

Members of the Sydney Street Choir who entertained the seventy guests before the dinner
Members of the Sydney Street Choir who entertained the seventy guests before the dinner
The happy group of Sydney Street Choir members
The happy group enjoy the Organic Lamb and Pork Roast Dinner


Happy Christmas.